Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Swan

"The Swan" was a reality TV show in 2004 (seems like that was last year?) aired on FOX about ugly ducklings being turned into beautiful swans within three months. The show is featured nine women who were judged as "ugly" went through a series of plastic surgeries and plenty of alterations until they became what society views as "beautiful."

Each contestant was given a coach, therapist, trainer, cosmetic surgeons and a dentist to remake their appearance. The Plastic Surgeons on the team were chosen among hundreds for their ability to perform often startling transformations. Basically these women underwent several plastic surgeries for the chance to win a beauty pageant that for the most part judged with plastic surgery ended up the best.

Each week two women were featured on the show, at the end of the show one woman would be sent home and the other would continue on to the beauty pageant. At the "Swan Pageant" the chosen women would compete to see who would become "the Swan."

(Before and After picture of Rachel, the winner of Season One)

This reality TV show was criticized for promoting plastic surgery and promoting the view that beauty is completely physical. In my opinion plastic surgery is not a self-improvement if your goal is to become a completely different person. Plus, not only did this show change the appearance of women, I can guarantee you that this show has had plenty of negative effects not only on the participants but also on its audience. It preyed on vulnerable "ugly ducklings" who have been judged their entire lives to be worth less than women who are seen by society as pretty/hot/sexy.

Not to mention, that the audience was probably girls who wish that they could improve their self image. The tv show uses pathos to appeal to the audiences emotions and relate to their feelings about their self consciousness. Those who watched these two seasons probably started to believe that being pretty is their top priority in life.

One of my pet peeves about the public today is that they pass judgment on someone based on their looks. They won't even get to know a person unless their physical appearance meets their requirements.  I'd be a hypocrite if i said that the first thing that attracts me to a person is their physical appearance, but I would never ignore someone or be rude to another person who wasn't seen as pretty by society. Hopefully, we can work towards becoming a more genuine community that accepts people no matter how they look.

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