Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Real World

“This is the true story... of eight strangers... picked to live in a together and have their lives taped... to find out what happens... when people stop being polite... and start getting real...The Real World.”

The show took off in 1992 and has had 25 seasons thus far including Real World: Las Vegas which has just begun. I can admit that I have watched different sets of strangers from the Real World ever since I was around 8 years old.  When I began watching drama between these room mates I remember thoroughly enjoying it. Maybe it was because I had an older sibling who also watched the show, but, regardless, it gave me the wrong message. A child should never want to imitate the profanity which this show broadcasts on national television. My group of friends planned to go on the Real World when we were old enough (18-20 years old) to venture around a new city while going to clubs and experiencing the “real” world. We were influenced by the show at a young age and our eyes were glued to the television whenever a new episode came on the screen.

First Season: New York

Why wouldn't an immature 10 year old want to be on a TV show where the cast has lived in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, LONDON, Miami, Boston, Seattle, Hawaii, New Orleans, Chicago, Las Vegas, PARIS, San Diego, Philadelphia, Austin, Key West, Denver, SYDNEY, Hollywood, Brooklyn, CANCUN, D.C., and New Orleans. MTV has definitely succeeded in making the show seem appealing, the viewers enjoy the drama and excitement. They see a flashy house with attractive people and a great night life. But, what they don't see is the message that the show is portraying to young adults throughout the United States, its okay to parade around causing scenes and acting immature because it will bring attention to the show.

Season 12: Las Vegas

In my defense, I am 19 years old now and I stopped watching the show when I was 16. I was mature enough to realize that these people are taking months out of their lives to make bad decisions and humiliate themselves. Generally, any enrolled college student or devoted employee would not be able to put their lives on hold in order to move to a new city and bring chaos into their lives. At 20 years old, I think you should be enrolled in college trying to figure out where your life is headed.

Season 22: Cancun

What successful business would want to hire you after watching you freely embarrass yourself on national television. Not to mention, who is okay with having your parents watch your drunken mistakes? Definitely not someone who should be a reliable role model for adolescents. All of these questions are things that should be expressed on a reality TV show but that is not the case with our generation or television viewers.

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