Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance

Randi is a single elementary school teacher from Arizona. She comes from a good family with good values. So why is she on reality tv? Fox offered to pay Randi 250,000 dollars if she could marry Steve and convince her family to accept her decision in a matter of 12 days. Also, if she succeeded her family would receive 250 grand as well.

The twist is that Steve is a paid actor who will make it hard on Randi to accomplish her goal. When Randi introduces her family to Steve and his family, they make an awful first impression. Randi's mom does not want this kind of future for her daughter and her brother refuses to go to the wedding. But, if she cannot get her entire family to come to the wedding and then make sure they dont object, then she will not win the prize money!

Basically Randi is humiliated on national television when she is standing at the alter and Steve confesses that he is a paid actor and the entire wedding was a scam. Her family is also embarrassed when they find out their Randi has lied to them. However, FOX gave Randi 500,000 dollars and also 500,000 to her family.

Now if you were approached by a major network like FOX and they offered you a quarter of a million dollars to go on reality tv what would you tell them?

I know for a fact that if i brought home someone "fat" and "obnoxious" to meet my parents they would not be thrilled. My dad would want nothing to do with him and my mom would pretend like she supported me, when really she would want to kill me. My brother would most likely punch Steve in the face and they would spend hours trying to convince me not to ruin my life before it even starts. I really dont think I could lie to my family for money? And i would be extremely mad when I found out that my partner in crime had other intentions? Not to mention that its against the Catholic religion to use the sacrament of Marriage when you know that youre not planning to spend the rest of your life with that person.

I guess that money and having 15 minutes of fame really changes the morals of society. Whenever someone sees a dollar bill they will do anything to put it in the back.

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