Wednesday, March 23, 2011



"Next" was an MTV reality dating show that had 285 episodes. A single man/woman looks for a significant other. Five other people, secluded in the "Next Bus" (posted above), come to meet the certain someone who is waiting for them at the bottom of the bus to go on a date. The show starts with an interview by the 5 people waiting on the bus. Heres an example: 

Embarrassing? Well it gets worse, once the girls step off of the bus the person waiting for their date can say the one word, "Next!", and the date is immediately over. The person is sent right back to the RV, never to see the single person again. The word "Next" has a negative connotation in this scope because it means that you don't fit the person's criteria then you're instantly off. The same process continues with the next person in line who is waiting on the bus. It was not uncommon for the single person to "next" a person within first sight of meeting them usually because they're unattractive. This was usually called being "Instantly Nexted". But, the date doesn't always end with the person being "nexted". A date can end if they feel that they have made a physical or emotional connection with they person while on the date. In this case, the man or women would say, "You have been on a date with me for ( amount of minutes), you can either take the (amount of money), and run, or go on a second date." The episode ends either when the contestant finds someone he or she is interested in, or if all the contestants were "nexted." Once there is a couple made or 6 single people, the Next bus continues on its way to the next scheduled date where people find their true partner.

Now that you now the layout of the show, lets talk about the impact this has on society. I know that growing up MTV was big in my group of friends. Therefore, whenever we saw a guy that we weren't interested in the word "next" would be said to make it known that he wasnt our type slash he had no chance. Awful right? Well at least I can say that I've matured since I was 13 years old? This is just an example of how reality TV can affect the youth and how a common word can have it's meaning changed after a reality TV show has set air.


  1. This show seems a lot like glorified speed dating, haha.

  2. George most of MTV's shows are either glorified speed dating or glorified break ups. I maintain sanity by staying away from mtv

  3. mtv is great. "Next" post please...(im just messing)
