When I refer to my best friend I think of the first person who you call when you're making plans. It is a term of endearment that only few people should be called. They are the first person you go to when you need someone to confide in and they always know how to make you happy. Not to mention, whenever youre in trouble they will come right to your side. They truly care about you and they would never want to see you hurt. Maybe this exact word is what attracted people to this obscene and chaotic show. But, when Paris Hilton and "BFF" are used in the same sentence, it worries me. Therefore, the title of this reality TV show alone should be a hint for everyone out there to turn the channel. It was a shallow and meaningless competition aired on MTV in 2008 for princess Paris to find a "true" friend.

“My New BFF” is an example of how many beauty obsessed, money crazy, material girls you can fit in front of one camera. Personally, I would never give Paris the satisfaction of thinking that she was anyone's best friend. I believe that Paris Hilton's idea of a "best friend" is someone who will tell her she looks skinny, will follow her around constantly giving her compliments, and probably take the blame for anything the media found Paris doing that month. The word is completely distorted whenever it comes out of her mouth, anyone who says "BFF" in the first place is a complete loon. No gracias Paris.
The winner of the first series was named Brittany
Flickinger. But, she didn't last. She was dropped within the blink of an eye. I thought the last "F" stood for forever? Apparently not. The "winner" of the second season isn't even woth mentioning because the same exact thing happened to her. In conclusion, you can say that they wasted months of their lives. Smart.
There was a second season of this show? So Paris could find another "BFF?" The things that go on TV these days...